As the treatment of cataract is now witnessing technological innovation with
improved results and outcomes, the new technologies introduced by the world's
largest eye care company, Bausch & Lomb, has moved a step further by improvising
the treatment time and efficiency multifold.
Now available in India too, the newer technologies of the company include
cold phaco, micro-incision surgery and the advanced flow system. According to Dr
Terence M Devine, chief ophthalmologist at the Pennsylvania based Guthrie
Clinic, and an internationally acclaimed eye surgeon, the new technology,
Millennium Microsurgical System with its advanced custom control software
results in refined control of ultrasound power delivery and further reduces
heat. The phaco power is delivered in energy efficient ramped-up pulses
minimising fragment chatter and improving followability.
"Its improved hyper cool phaco efficiency results in better surgical
outcomes. Various studies have reported better surgical outcomes with the use of
this technology like 100 per cent clear corneas and uncorrected vision of 6/12
or better in the 2 to 24 hour post-operative period." he said while talking to
Pharmabiz. Dr. Terence was in Mumbai to attend a new technology cataract surgery
with live demonstration to media and ophthalmic fraternity conducted at the
Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital.
He added that the promise of micro-incision cataract surgery and companion
intraocular lens (IOL) technology is now becoming a reality. "The bimanual
phacoemulsification is being looked at by many surgeons with lot of interest
now. Bimanual phacoemulsification is being looked at by many surgeons with lot
of interest now. Bimanual phacoemulsification has a number of advantages over traditional
small-incision phacoemulsification procedure as it is close to the ideal
cataract surgery because it enables phacoemulsification within a closed system,"
he informed.
The technology is also results in faster recovery rate and better
post-operative results with reduction of surgically induced astigmatism. The new
techniques uses specialised set of instruments, including forceps for
construction of the capsulorhexis, irrigating choppers, and bimanual irrigation
and aspiration (I/A) sets. The advanced flow system which uses the
high-performance, positive displacement peristaltic pump has enormous
responsiveness allows users to choose from a menu of five different options for
vacuum response, provides a vacuum rise time that is faster than that achieved
with a Venturi platform, and combines all of those features with spectacular
surgical control. This advanced flow system is designed to provide surgeons
who prefer flow-based phacoemulsification techniques with the responsiveness
they expect. The unit also provides the widest range of control of fluidics and
ultrasound power available.
Advantages of the system include significant reduction of post-occlusion
surge; optimised chamber stability due to low-compliance tubing and patented
traducer; easy adjustment to a surgeon's preferred operating technique; phaco
energy that is delivered in energy efficient bursts to minimise fragment chatter
and to improve followability while reducing heat; and Dual Linear control of
both power and aspiration.
(Ref : "Chronicle Pharmabiz" dated April 7, 2005)