Antimicrobial Technology Helps Develop
Device For Leg Ulcer And Wound Treatment

Medical device company CMC Hygea has developed a new
way to aid the treatment and bathing of leg ulcers and lower limb wounds in
healthcare facilities.
The PathAguard LUCA contains a reusable
antimicrobial washbasin and a single-use, low density antimicrobial polyethylene
liner designed to accommodate the liquid solution required to cleanse ulcerated
limbs and wounds.
Michael Malone, CEO of CMC Hygea, said: “This IMSTA,
Irish Medical and Surgical Trade Award-winning PathAguard LUCA sleeve, which
received the accolade of the IMSTA award for best product for primary care in
the community in 2016, introduces a new and unique method of cleansing and
treating ulcerated legs and lower limb wounds. Currently there is no comparable
product on the market in which to safely wash ulcerated limbs and treat podiatry
The biomaster antimicrobial technology built into
the plastic provides a barrier to inhibit the growth of pathogens, and is
effective against hospital acquired infections (HAIs) such as MRSA.
Ageing populations and increasing obesity levels has
resulted in an increase in certain conditions such as leg ulcers which have to
be managed in an efficient and timely manner.
People with open wounds however are always
vulnerable to bacterial cross-contamination from hands and from the environment.