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Why Clean Room Is Important For Medical Plastics Manufacturing ?


Unlike other industrial sectors, Medical Device components manufacturing is highly specialized , carrying specific requirements for sterility and regulatory accountability .This makes it essential for the Medical Device Manufacturers to have clean room manufacturing for their molded plastic parts/components.


Clean rooms are classified by International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Clean rooms are enclosed and environmentally-controlled spaces in which temperature, humidity, pressure and contaminant levels are kept within strict limits. It helps to ensure that products remain under controlled contamination levels throughout the production process, thereby reducing potential risks to patients. Therefore, appropriate clean room designs, and the implementation of personnel policies and procedures that control work within the clean room environment, are critical for the production of safe devices.


Particles found in the clean room include those created by the manufacturing equipment, as well as particles already in the room. In regards to plastics manufacturing for medical devices, injection moulds are a source of contaminants, especially if the moulds are not properly maintained. Other clean room contamination sources specific to plastics are dust that is released during production and contaminated raw materials.


Basic clean room practices include :

  • Developing a thorough clean room gowning requirements and procedures.

  • Ensuring the correct clean room supplies are present and they are used properly.

  • Instituting clean room housekeeping procedures and schedules. Preventative maintenance is very useful, especially for plastic mould injection equipment to reduce contaminants that are produced during the process.

  • Training personnel on behavioral standards within the clean room environment.

  • Continuously auditing and assessing clean room procedures and making improvements as needed.

Micro-organisms, dust/smoke, unapproved equipment, inadequate environmental controls and human error are among leading causes of contamination in clean rooms. Research has shown that clean room personnel contribute to approximately 80% of all contamination that is found within the clean room.


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