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About Occluded Endotracheal Tubes

FDA has received several reports of a colourless material inside endotracheal tubes which occludes the lumen and prevents adequate ventilation of the patient. The material causing the obstruction is not easily detected by visual inspection. It can remain undetected until after the child is intubated, thereby necessitating reintubation, and potentially a life-threatening emergency situation.

One of the important precautions recommended is not to use cellulose products ( e.g. lidocaine jelly ) as a lubricant in reconnecting endotracheal tubes and connectors , and keep this material out of the lumen of the tube. FDA laboratory analysis has determined that 2 % lidocaine jelly can form a film inside a 5 mm connector that could, after sufficient "curing time " become a flexible obstruction that totally occludes the lumen of these devices.

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About Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is the facilitation of processes for acquiring , developing and leveraging knowledge to improve organizational capacity and performance for economic and business success.

There are three basic levels of activity that need to be addressed.

The first is the operational level where people are trying to ensure people have the know-how , training and information they need to complete their tasks. The key enablers at that level are net-work technologies , e-learning tools, job aids , data bases and other knowledge repositories and systems that help people do their everyday work.

Second , the tactical level of knowledge management is focused how learning and decision-making takes place through knowledge networks, mentoring, practice communities and other human interaction.

The third level is strategic , where the knowledge question has to do with how knowledge is being converted to value and leveraged for strategic advantage.

(From : "The Knowledge Evolution"  By Vema Allee, one of the world’s leading Knowledge Management Gurus)

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