Italy |
Via Giovanni da Procida 11
I-20149 Milan
Phone : +39 02 34531165
Fax : +39 02 34592072
Email : assobiomedica@assobiomedica.it
Internet : www.assobiomedica.it
An Association comprising companies in the biomedical, medical
device, in vitro diagnostic, and telemedicine sectors.

Malaysia |
Association of Malaysian Medical Industries
Wisma FMM, No. 3, Persiaran Dagang
PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur
Phone : +60 3 6361211
Fax : +60 3 6376714
Represents the Malaysian medical device industry.

Netherlands |
National Federation of Manufacturers, Importers, and Suppliers of Medical Products
Reitsplein 1
NL-5037 AA Tilburg
Phone : +31 13 5944342
Fax : +31 13 5944749
Email : nefemed@wispa.nl
Internet : www.nefemed.nl
Federation of Producers, importers, and suppliers of medical products.

Norway |
Leverandørforeningen for Helsesektoren
Sandstuveien 70
Postboks 169 Manglerud
N-0612 Oslo
Phone : +47 23 168920
Fax : +47 23 168929
Email : ifh@ifh.no
Internet : www.ifh.no
Association representing importers and distributors of medical equipment.

South Africa |
South African Medical Device Industry Association
P.O. Box 74789, Lynnwood Ridge
0040 Pretoria
South Africa
Phone : +27 12 4812000
Phone : +27 12 4812100
Email : online@samedical.org
Internet : www.samedical.org
Association of medical device manufacturers.

Sweden |
The Swedish Association of Suppliers of Medical Devices
Fleminggatan 14, 8th Floor
S-10422 Stockholm
Phone : +46 8 50893800
Fax : +46 8 50893801
Email : info@slf.nu
Internet : www.slf.nu

Switzerladn |
Federation of Swiss Medical Devices' Trade and Industry Associations
Monbijoustr. 22
CH-3001 Bern
Phone : +41 31 3808595
Fax : +41 31 3808596
Email : info@fasmed.com
Internet : www.fasmed.com
Medical Suppliers Association

Thailand |
The Medical Device Suppliers Association
11th Floor, Dr. Gerhard Link Bldg.
33 Soi Lertnava,
Krungthepkreetha Rd.
Huamark, Bangkapi
10240 Bangkok
Phone : +66 2 3794296
Fax : +66 2 3794297
Email : info@thaimed.co.th
Internet : www.thaimed.co.th
Representative body of the national device industry of Thailand (importers, wholesalers, and manufacturers).

UK |
Association of British Health-Care Industries
St. George's House,
195-203 Waterloo Rd.
SEI 82D London, UK
Phone : +44 207 7873060
Fax : +44 7873061
E-mail : enquiries@abhi.org.uk
Internet : www.abhi.org.uk
Lead UK trade association for the medical system industry.

UK |
The Stables, Sugworth Ln.
OX14 2HX Radley, Oxford, UK
Phone : +44 1865 736393
Fax : +44 1865 736393
E-mail : barema@btinternet.com
Internet : www.barema.org.uk
A specialist trade association representing more than 80% of the UK's anaesthetic and respiratory equipment industry.
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