
European Surgical Trade Association
De Flammert 1012
5854 NA Bergen, Netherlands
Phone : 31 48 5344661
Fax : 31 48 5344509
Email : info@vitafit.nl
Consists of approximately 20 distributors of medical products throughout Europe.

14, Place Saint Lambert
B-1200 Brussels, Belgium
Phone : +32 2 7722212
Fax : +32 2 7713909
Email : eucomed@eucomed.be
Internet : www.eucomed.org
The organization works for a favourable business environment for the medical device industry in Europe. It also seeks to establish and maintain appropriate healthcare industry standards throughout Europe, to work toward the establishment of a unified nonpharmaceutical healthcare industry trade representation in Europe, and to strengthen and enhance the potential of each national member association.

6, avenue de I'Armče
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Phone : +32 2 7350313
Fax : +32 2 7354960
Email : mail@europabio.org
Internet : www.europabio.org
Represents the interest of more than 600 companies involved in research, development, testing, manufacturing, and distribution of biotechnology products.

International Electrotechnical Commission
3, rue de Varembč, Case Postale 131
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Phone : +41 22 9190211
Fax : +41 22 9190300
Email : info@iec.ch
Internet : www.iec.ch
Creates international standards for the electrical and electronic industries.

International Organization for Standardization
1, rue de Varembč, Case Postale 56
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Phone : +41 22 7490111
Fax : +41 22 7333430
Email : central@iso.org
Internet : www.iso.org
A worldwide federation of national standards bodies comprising approximately 140 members, one per country. The result of ISO technical work are published as international standards.

Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society
11300 Rockville Pike, Ste. 1000
Rockville, MD 20852, USA
Phone : +1 301 7702920
Fax : +1 301 7702924
Email : raps@raps.org
Internet : www.raps.org
International association representing professionals and individuals involved in healthcare regulatory affairs.

7 Heron Quays
Marsh Wall
London E14 4JB
Phone : +44 20 75389052
Fax : +44 20 75157836
Internet : www.topra.org
A global organization for regulatory affairs professionals.
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